
"Yang Shen?"
"Who are you? !”
Dozens of people with different identities in China almost opened their eyes at the same time and shouted in fear
It’s a pity that in the face of the anger of the "nine-tailed white fox", the sun god did not become a Dan Chen root, and there was no room for resistance. Just like a real mortal, he was chopped to death by several thunderbolts falling from the sky.
Booming …
This moment of incarnation became the fatal factor to kill Dan Chen.
On his incarnation at the moment, and how to face the anger of the "nine-tailed white fox"
Every practitioner who cultivates the Yuan God has the means to kill people thousands of miles away. What’s worse, tian hu’s element body, the Yuan God’s great achievement and Yang God’s manifestation of the top strong.
If Pei Hui wants her to be willing, she can manifest the posture of Yang Shen at the designated place by herself.
It might be a little more troublesome if Dan Chen’s avatars who are good at fighting return.
After all, there is a limit to the strength of Yang Shen’s manifestation.
Naidan Chen has already brought together all the transcendental incarnations of combat effectiveness in order to take revenge on Lingyou.
The place where it is still left is either the embodiment of being young in practice or the auxiliary embodiment that is not qualified to participate in this encirclement and suppression operation.
So all kinds of coincidences, Dan Chen, the strongest man buried in one vein, was so simple that he was chopped to death by Pei Huili’s lightning.
As if disdaining and as if simply whispering.
Make sure that all the incarnations of Dan Chen were hacked to death by themselves. After that, the "nine-tailed white fox" in the clouds shook its head as if it had killed an ant inadvertently, and then Lei Yun disappeared in half.
At the foot of the nine-tailed white fox, the "black python" manifested by hostility?
She never looked at each other from beginning to end except for just a curl, as if they were different.
"Well, what happened?"
Therefore, when Pei Wende’s will followed Dan Chen Yuan Shen back to the flesh, the first thing he saw was the dark clouds that gradually dissipated in the cave of trees.
Yu Xian escaped from the body of Dan Chen Yuan Shen by himself?
It’s like being obliterated by some unknown force. Pei Wende has been completely unaware of each other’s traces
"Who destroyed Dan Chen Yuan Shen?"
I can’t help but look down at the burning black fire in my palm. Pei Wende feels that it seems redundant to prepare for the cause.
From the moment when black rage devoured Dan Chen’s physical Yuan God, Pei Wende found that this rage had extraordinary lethality to Yuan God.
Pei Wende has ten levels of assurance that Dan Chen Yuan Shen will wipe out the other party in one fell swoop before he escapes from himself.
This is also the reason why Pei Wende deliberately misled Dan Chen and scared away the other side.
Compared with a statue of Yuan Shen who wants to fight hard with himself, it is obviously easier to deal with the situation that Pei Wende prepared the cause in advance with thinking about how to leave the incarnation.
However, as far as the current situation is concerned, Pei Wende found that it is no longer possible to prepare for the cause. It seems that someone has killed Dan Chen’s escape from Yuan Shen before him.
Thought of here, Pei Wende suddenly turned to look at his dark rage and unconsciously gave birth to a feeling of irritability and anger.
"View from the bodhisattva line deep prajna paramita for a long time …"
Pei Wende was immediately shocked. At the first moment, he meditated on the heart sutra and meditation to completely suppress that unknown tyrannical emotion.
Influenced by this, the "python" composed of black rage can roar, but it finally loses to Pei Wende’s firm Zen mind and dissipates the qi again.
And in this process, the black scales on Pei Wende’s cheeks that have spread gradually faded back to human appearance.
"The relic color is the same, and the color is the same …"
Pei Wende, who didn’t take it lightly, still recited the Heart Sutra cross-legged and pressed the black rage back to the depths of his chakra.
Pei Wende doesn’t nee this uncontrolled and tyrannical force.
What he needs is to be able to use avatar magic 100% by himself at will.
Just like the giant python that was manifested in his previous practice, that’s what Pei Wende really needs, Mohologa.
[Wait, what is this? 】
When Pei Wende’s three chakras, the root, the umbilical vein and the heart, simultaneously exert their efforts to recover all the rage, he suddenly found a golden thing hovering near his abdomen.
From the perspective of spiritual consciousness, it is a group of "spiritual things"
At this moment, the golden "spiritual thing" is like a "living thing", which slowly breathes the vitality of Pei Wende’s whole body, and then it will turn into a glittering and translucent golden liquid a little bit.
[God’s water is still Dan? Gold juice and jade liquid? 】
Just like that golden "spiritual thing", those golden liquids are not real things, but the five internal organs and the juice of the heart, which breeds the true qi and the yuan force.
Gazing at these golden juice and jade liquid, Pei Wende’s will seems to have merged into Sinochem’s series of active vitality flowing freely in the meridians of qi and blood.
This kind of harmonious and mysterious atmosphere has doubled the speed of Pei Wende’s expansion of Qi-pulse acupoints.
More importantly, Pei Wende feels that this qi force can warm up and repair his own wounds in addition to penetrating the whole body’s qi points and orifices.
[Is it really then? ! 】
The golden man is firm and never corrupts.
The Dan is perfect and loses everything.
The alchemist, also known as "Dan", is a non-grinding sacred tire made by Taoist practitioners themselves.
As the saying goes, "When a grain of elixir is swallowed, my life is up to me."
When Taoist practitioners turn from Dan to Jiu to the next day, it is the time when life is one and Yuan God is first born.
At that time, not only will all organs of the body become very keen, but even their own Shou Yuan will be greatly prolonged.
There is no doubt that this sudden appearance of Pei Wende’s body and spirit completely conforms to the Taoist description of "then"
Or to put it another way, this is the Peiwende body elixir left by Dan Chen.
The true scriptures of Sanzang at the end of the volume
At the end of the month, Weishan Tongqing Temple in Houshan Middle School.
It has been more than half a month since Dan Chen attacked Weishan, and the pilgrims who came here gradually decreased, and Tongqing Temple finally returned to calm.
"Master, are you really not worried about where your younger brother is going?"
Once again, after receiving pilgrims, Hui Ji looked at Lingyou Jackson in front of Houshan Waterfall with a face of thieves and asked.
"What’s there to worry about? He is no longer a child. "
Quietly turning the rosary in his hand, the Zen master silently stared at the waterfall that was still flowing not far away, showing no worried expression.
"Wende has his own chance to interfere too much this time, but it is not a good thing for him."
Wen Yan Hui Ji suddenly turned over a supercilious look and poked the "lie" of Zen master Lingyou in a word.
"Old man, what else do you have in front of me?"
"What are you doing here now if you are really not worried about your younger brother?"
Ever since Pei Wende’s "disappearance", Zen Master Lingyou likes to stay at Houshan Waterfall when he has something to do.
Either Pei Wende built the meditation room to practice meditation or studied all kinds of weapons and automation equipment that Pei Wende worked out in his spare time …
Hui Ji doesn’t believe that Zen Master Lingyou is simply here for sightseeing.
In a sense, Pei Wende, the Zen master of Lingyou, is not a father but better than a father. How can he not worry about not showing up for half a month?
Zen master Nellingyou is a real stubborn old man, and no matter how worried he is, he will definitely not show it.



