Early in the morning, Li Chu was woken up by firecrackers outside. Before he opened his eyes, he felt his daughter-in-law in his arms busy reaching out and patting some girls. Only then did he soothe and sleep again.

After waiting for a while, Li Chu carefully put his daughter-in-law’s little head on the pillow, then slowly got out of bed and turned around to tuck her in, and then dressed her. Last night, she was a little hard on her daughter-in-law, and I don’t know how long it took to sleep. Let her continue to sleep.
When I came to the little black nest in the living room, I looked up and saw him, then I got up. I turned my ass to Li Chu and lay down again. Now my heart is extremely collapsed and I listened passively to the symphony for one night. I just slept for two hours and now I feel sleepy.
Li Chu took a strange look at Xiaohei, wondering what happened to this stupid dog. He knocked on the door and walked out of the house at dawn and took a deep breath. Well, the air was full of gunpowder.
Just at the door, I saw several children running in from outside the courtyard. After a careful look, seven or three of them were children in the courtyard. Li Chu thought that these children were really energetic. They ran out to play early in the morning and then saw the children running to their front and shouted "Happy New Year, Li Shu! We pay a New Year call to you. "Say that finish and give Li Chu a bow one by one.
"Okay, okay, you guys get up quickly in the New Year, too." Li Chu walked over and looked at the children and then noticed that the children were all looking at him eagerly. He suddenly reacted and changed money from his pocket and gave each child a dime lucky money. "Take it for you and go and play quickly."
Several children shouted "thank you Li Shu" together with money and then ran away.
Li Chu looked at these energetic children and suddenly felt that it was nice to have a child.
He noticed that the destiny stick was also in it. At present, the child is still polite. At least, every time he sees himself far away, he will be called uncle, and he doesn’t know when the child became black.
I was thinking about going out of the hospital at random to solve a personal hygiene problem. When I came back, I saw the door of the third uncle’s hospital.
Before Li Chu left, he arched his fist at Uncle San. "Happy New Year, Uncle San. I wish you all the best in the new year."
Yan Bugui also happily said auspicious words to Li Chu and handed him a cigarette. Li Chu didn’t pick it up and said, "Third Uncle, I quit smoking."
The third uncle looked at him in astonishment. "I saw you smoking yesterday, didn’t I? Why did you quit today?"
Li Chunai sighed, "Hey, I went to an elder’s house last night and was urged to give birth to a child, so I gave up smoking."
Uncle San just put the cigarette in his mouth and hasn’t lit it yet. After listening to Li Chu’s words, he was stunned. "What does this baby have to do with smoking?"
Li Chu wanted to explain it to him, and he thought it would be unclear for a while, so he said vaguely, "This is my personal opinion. I think it’s better to have a baby or quit smoking. There’s nothing you can slap."
Yan Fugui shook his head. He felt that Li Chu was making a mountain out of a molehill, but it was someone else’s business after all. He changed the subject and said, "Xiao Chu just came back from the liberation and reconciliation of our family and told me that you gave them lucky money. Several children in the college gave it to you, which was too much. Boy, one person gave a dime."
"Hey, isn’t this Chinese New Year? A few little guys came running to give me a New Year greeting, so I just gave some pictures to have fun," said Li Chuman.
Uncle Zhang opened his mouth and didn’t know what to say. I can’t say that you gave so many children to give me a New Year call. How can I give it? I can bow my head and take out a torch and light a cigarette.
At this time, Yi Zhonghai came out, and three people worshipped each other for a year. An uncle said to Li Chu, "Little Chu, when do you think I will take your aunt to the hospital? I’m a little worried about this. "An aunt counted the production date, which is these days. He was a little anxious.
Li Chu wanted to think, "If you really don’t trust your aunt to the hospital today, you can." The woman didn’t say when she could have a baby, but who knows when she will come? Li Chu didn’t dare to tell her to stay at home.
In fact, many women give birth to children in their own homes, neighbors and experienced women come to help, but an aunt is old and it’s her first child, and no one dares to help. They are afraid that there will be some problems, and an uncle himself has decided to give birth in the hospital long ago.
After listening to Li Chu, I thought about it and decided to send my daughter-in-law to the hospital today. I couldn’t take care of it myself. When I came out just now, the old lady in the backyard also said to send her to the hospital as soon as possible
"Xiao Chu, don’t you go out today?" Yi Zhonghai looked at Li Chu and asked.
"I’ll go to my sister’s house with my daughter-in-law. We all spent the New Year’s Day there." Li Chu stopped and said, "You can borrow a scooter for a while and send your aunt there. I’ll go to the hospital when I come back this afternoon."
"Well, I’ll borrow a scooter, and I’ll send your aunt there." Yi Zhonghai heard Li Chu say that he was relieved to say hello to the third uncle in the afternoon and went to borrow a scooter.
Yan port expensive looking at a big ye figure "old yi this is one of the worry".
"One uncle can’t rest assured until he holds the child in his arms. Third uncle, I’ll go back and order some dumplings."
When I got home, Xiaohei was still lying on my stomach in my own nest. When I saw him come in, I raised my eyelids, so I didn’t move. Li Chu walked to the front of Xiaohei’s nest and slipped it out. He gave him a handful of little black gas and called a Li Chu. He was startled for fear that it would wake up his daughter-in-law, and he let it go. Xiaohei escaped from the clutches and slipped back to the nest with his tail between his legs.
Listen carefully to the floor or nothing happened, and then you can rest assured to walk quietly and take a look at Ding Qiunan’s sleeping soundly. There is still a little saliva on her mouth. Li Chu looked at her daughter-in-law and smiled and went upstairs again.
When I first arrived, I heard a big noise coming from the courtyard. I borrowed my scooter to Li Chu. I thought Ding Qiunan might have to sleep for a while before I woke up. I simply accompanied people to the hospital now, so I didn’t run any more in the afternoon. So I washed my clothes and tidied up and went out to run to a big uncle’s house.
Chapter sixty-six Soon
There are many people who come to help an uncle’s family. Anyway, everyone in this courtyard still respects him. There are some things in his family that everyone is willing to help. Li Chu went into the room and talked to an uncle, and then came out and walked to the gate of the courtyard to chat with Jia Dongxu.
After all the things were packed, the rain and Qinhuai Ru helped an aunt out, let an aunt sit on the paved mattress cart and give her a quilt. Then the rain column came and pulled up the cart, and several people followed her to the hospital.
When I arrived at the hospital, the obstetrics and gynecology department happened to be Li Zhu on duty today. Li Zhu arranged an unoccupied ward in front of Li Chu and said that he would not arrange any more people in this ward as far as possible. There are three beds in the ward, and the chaperone can have a place to sleep at night.
When all the arrangements are made, Li Chu and the others are ready to leave. There are too many people and an aunt can’t rest.
Yu Zhu’s brother and sister stay to take care of the rain. An aunt has something that can be convenient. Yu Zhu’s stay can help run an errand.
Li Chu walked back with Jia Dongxu and three uncles. Jia Dongxu also took the scooter and went back to help one uncle return it later.
Just walked to the door of the hospital, Qinhuai Ru ran to the wall covering her mouth and retched a few times. Jia Dongxu threw a scooter and went to Qinhuai Ru to give her a smooth back.
In this scene, Li Chu’s heart thumped. Is it pregnant or has a bad stomach? If you are pregnant, wouldn’t it be Jia Dongxu …
After a while, the two men came over and Jia Dongxu asked Qinhuai Ru to sit on the scooter and he took it away.
Li Chu looked at Jia Dongxu and asked, "Brother Dongxu, this is …"
Jia Dongxu smiled and said, "Your sister-in-law is pregnant."
After hearing this, the third uncle even followed the congratulations to Li Chu. His heart really churned up. When did Jia Dongxu die? Li Chu didn’t know it, but look at those fan fiction who wrote that Qinhuai Ruhuai Sophora japonica died. That means there is no time.
Li Chu glanced at Jia Dongxu in horror. I don’t know if it was psychological. He didn’t feel that Jia Dongxu Yin Tang was a little black. He carefully recalled how Jia Dongxu died.
However, it seems that everything is different. Some people say that they died in an accident due to a mistake in the class, some said that it was caused by a mistake in the drunken class, and some said that it was due to illness. However, according to Li Chu’s observation, Jia Dongxu should have no serious illness. Although he did not take his pulse, Li Chu still believed in his eyes.
Then you should die in class. Yes, it seems that Qinhuai Ru went to the factory with her mother-in-law, and then the factory gave them compensation. She also agreed that Qinhuai Ru would take Jia Dongxu’s class to the factory after giving birth.
I don’t know when Li Chu will be, and he can’t say anything to Jia Dongxu. In that case, he won’t be a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, and he will become a god stick and have to be beaten.
Forget it, don’t think about it. Damn doll Niu Chaotian is a doctor. I have thought about my ability and ability to help someone. Now Jia Dongxu’s situation is beyond the scope.
Then he thought that the situation in Qinhuai Ru’s home after work should be better than when Jia Dongxu was working. Now there are five people in their home, and after one person should eat food, five people should eat food for four people.
Although the salary of the post-Qinhuai Ru Gang class is definitely lower than that of the current Jia Dongxu, it should be based on not buying food in the future. It should save money than now. Why is her family not as good as now? By the way, if you want to eat better, it’s not as good as it is now. There is no extra money to buy meat.
I don’t know if a big uncle is going to hold his own child, but he will force Yu Zhu to take care of Qinhuai Ru’s family. It is also possible that he will be willing to do it without a big uncle forcing Yu Zhu. After all, his ancestors like widow genes.
Li Chu said that he was looking forward to having melons to eat later, but he should be careful not to become melons himself.
Thinking in vain, I went back to the quadrangle. After I got home, Ding Qiunan still didn’t wake up. When I looked at Li Chu, it was almost 9 o’clock. I have to go to my sister’s house later. I should wake her up.
Li Chu washed his hand and took off his coat. He didn’t go to sit by the bed and was afraid that his hand would be too cold and ice. His daughter-in-law also put her hand in her arms and warmed it for a while. When it was warm and hot, she reached into the bed and held Ding Qiunan in her arms.
Ding Qiunan felt sleepy, opened his eyes, saw his man and closed his eyes. Li Chu arched his arms and asked, "What time is it, Li Chu?"
"It’s 9 o’clock. Should the daughter-in-law get up?"
Ding Qiunan swish a stare big eyes blankly at Li Chu "how all 9 o’ clock? How can I sleep so much? " Suddenly thought of what turned red as soon as he raised his hand and hammered Li Chu’s chest. "It’s all because you blame you."
"blame me, blame me!" Li Chu smiled and hugged his daughter-in-law a little tighter and hugged the hand that hit him.
Ding Qiunan struggled for a while without earning a head and gave him a slap in the face.
"Hum punish you for dressing me today" Ding Qiunan shouted at Li Chu.
"Really? Punish me for dressing you? " Li Chu can’t wait to be sure.
Ding Qiunan hesitated for a moment. At that moment, she seemed to see a light flashing in her man’s eyes. She wanted to earn it from Li Chu’s arms, sat down on the bed and was said, "Forget it, forget it, I’ll dress myself. You go first, and my horse will go." She was afraid to let Li Chu help her dress. She was worried that she would not go at noon.



